專題演講 摘要簡介
專題演講(keynote speech) I
Seah Lay Hoon / National institute of education(NIE) 新加坡
Building A Case for Inculcating Language Awareness in Content Teachers
This presentation seeks to argue for the importance of inculcating language awareness in content teachers. Such language awareness would encompass not just knowledge of the disciplinary language and literacy practices, but also knowledge about them that would empower content teachers to take on the role of a language analyst and language teacher. Also encompassed within the knowledge base are knowledge about students in terms of their language use and challenges as well as the pedagogical knowledge for developing disciplinary literacy in students. In this presentation, I will outline the why, what and how of inculcating language awareness in teachers by sharing the research basis for the role of language awareness, delineating its constituents and illustrating how it can be inculcated. The context in which my research is based will also be presented so that the research relevance and applicability to other contexts can be critically compared and assessed.

專題演講(keynote speech) II
Tarja Nikula Professor / University of Jyväskylä 芬蘭
On integration in CLIL: What kind of language awareness do content teachers need?
The implementation of Content and language integrated learning (CLIL) whereby curriculum content are taught through a foreign/second language started in Europe in the mid 1990s, supported by the EU policies to promote multilingualism. Since then, the approach has spread into different parts of the world, with different modes of realization depending on the local contexts. At the same time, the changing research scene around CLIL has been influencing its practice. While CLIL research started out as strongly language driven, during the last decade more attention has been directed to the very notion of integration and its implications for teaching and learning. Particularly important in this process has been to gain a deeper understanding of what CLIL means from subject teachers’ perspective - what is their role with regard to language teaching? This has meant shifting the emphasis from language competence in its own right to its subject-specific nature and inherent connection to knowledge building practices typical for the disciplinary area. These practices need to be considered from multiliteracy perspective because apart from language, subject-specific meaning making also happens through other semiotic resources. In this presentation, the implications of this broader take on language for CLIL subject teachers will be discussed, with suggestions on how to increase subject-specific language awareness and support learners in the process of acquiring language for academic purposes.

專題演講(keynote speech) III
鄒文莉 教授 / 國立成功大學 臺灣
Bilingual Education in Taiwan: A glocalized design & practice
Wenli Tsou/ Professor/ National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
Bilingual Education in Taiwan: A glocalized design & practice
Scholars argue that a paradigm shift from ESL/EFL to ELF/EIL embodies glocalization, rendering change of linguistic and pedagogical landscapes that allow multilingual and multicultural variations in English language teaching. However, the significance of glocalization has not been recognized in bilingual education. To fill the gap, this paper proposes a glocalization approach to bilingual education in Taiwan. It explains how the global concepts of standard English and 4C (Coyle et al., 2010) are revised as ELF-informed and 4C 2++ pedagogy to address the local lacks, wants, and necessity in the Taiwanese context. As such, this paper highlights the primacy of reactivity in the glocalized approach to bilingual education.